Adult Program

The Program That Gets Results!

We have set a goal at Southfield Martial Arts Insitute. Our goal is to get out the message about the benefits of our unique program. We have seen some astounding results in our school. The redefined adult classes were structured after careful study and research by Grand Master Willie Adams. He has developed a results orientated fitness program that stresses the following essential elements.

Number one, the workout is safe. The program was designed with adults in mind. We have purposely developed our systems techniques that were created for a realistic self defense, not for sport.Secondly, you will not be embarrassed. We have awesome instructors who will guide you through the orientation period. We want you to look good and become comfortable in the class environment.

Thirdly, the classes are fun. You will enjoy each and every class as you start to reach your personal fitness goals. You will always leave class feeling great about yourself and the experience you've had. In addition, it is very interesting learning the concepts of the martial arts. It may not change your standard of living. You will still eat food, wear clothes, and drive a car, but as you embrace the concepts of the martial arts it will change the way you live.

Common Questions About Karate

What is Karate?

Translated karate means "empty hand". The oriental art of unarmed self-defense has been around since ancient times. It is the ultimate power of the unity of mind and body. People spend their lives training their spirits as well as their bodies. In addition to being an excellent self-defense system, sport, and work-out, karate provides a heightened appreciation of one's self and the world. The combination of strength, grace and precision give students self confidence while developing their body, integrity and serenity.

What will I learn in the beginning?

The first three months will be dedicated to basic exercises, punches and stretches. You will also learn basic self-defense techniques that will eventually be used in classroom sparring. You will also learn the moves that will lead you to your first belt promotion.

Is karate training difficult?

Yes and No. Since karate is an individual sport, you can work at a pace you feel comfortable with. The hardest part of karate is the mental conditioning. But as your karate improves, so will your physical power and mind control.

Who can do karate?

Anyone, any age, any sex. As a form of fitness for the mind and body, karate is a sport for everyone.

How will karate help me?

Karate improves individuals both mentally and physically. Some benefits you will experience from karate are physical conditioning, improved concentration, self-confidence, inner peace, self-defense, weight control, more energy, self-discipline, athletic skills, improved mental attitude, temper control, improved grades, and respect for self and others.

How often should I train?

For a constant progression in belts, biweekly formal classroom sessions and daily practices at home are recommended.

How will I progress?

The progression of belts depends on the amount of dedication and discipline each student can give. But the average progression of the belts is as follows:

White belt - beginner
1 yellow stripe - 1 month
2 yellow stripes - 2 months
3 yellow stripes - 3 months

Yellow belt - 5 months
1 green stripe - 7 months
2 green stripes - 9 months
3 green stripes - 11 months

Green belt - 1 year
1 brown stripe - 13 months
2 brown stripes - 15 months
3 brown stripes - 17 months

Brown belt - 1 1/2 years
1 red stripe - 18 months
2 red stripes - 2 years
3 red stripes - 2 1/2 years

Black belt candidate - 3 years
Black Belt - 3 1/2 - 4 years

Why Isshinryu Karate?

Isshinryu (one heart/mind) was developed by Sensei Shimabuku, Okinawa's Grand Master of Shorin-Ryu, who devoted his life to the study of karate. He was a master of Goju-Ryu; studied Kobayshi-Ryu under famous Chotokan Kiyan and later under legendary Choki Motobu. He then studied the art of Bo and Sai weapons defense and Tee-faa under Okinawa's most noted instructors. Master Shimabuku combined the best of these styles into Isshinryu, which epitomizes the powerful, lightening-fast techniques that in ancient times enabled the weaponless Okinawans to defeat the sword-wielding Samurai warriors of Japan.

Isshinryu's main objective is the perfection of oneself through both physical and mental development. As students learn the art of self defense, they acquire self-confidence, serenity and the ability to concentrate. Isshinryu Karate combines a well rounded exercise program with some important advantages over other styles, including:

  • Isshinryu kicks and punches are thrown from natural stances, eliminating wasted motions and giving you split-second advantages over opponents using other styles.
  • Isshinryu stresses proficiency with both hand and foot techniques, making it the most versatile form of karate because you have no weak points.
  • Isshinryu is the most realistic style of karate, stressing "close-in" techniques necessary for "street fighting" where you haven't time for elaborate, time-consuming wind-ups of other styles.
  • Isshinryu is the most sensible form of karate, with snap-punch and snap-kick techniques that permit you to move in and out quickly without committing yourself to a disadvantaged position should you miss or misjudge.
  • Isshinryu is more adaptable to the American physique temperament than other more rigid styles because the Okinawan Master designed it to follow natural body movements.
  • Isshinryu will put you into better physical shape because it provides you with an aggressive exercise program that will improve your muscle tone, suppleness, speed, and mind.
  • Isshinryu may help you in your job since the mental and physical conditioning provides you with an opportunity to "wind down" from daily tensions and frustrations.

Let us show you how we can help you train your mind and body.

Weekly Schedule

Click on the buttons below to view our schedule for each day.

Attention Parents and Students: Classes are going very nicely. We are complying with all CDC guidelines. Students can come in uniform; they can bring water bottle. Masks are optional, and mat shoes or socks are required.

* See monthly calendar for most current class schedule.